Wednesday, November 14, 2012

autocad MOVE Command issues

autocad MOVE Command issues

Using the MOVE command.... When prompted, I select the objects that I desire to move... After the selection is finished - I press the enter key AutoCAD ask for the base point - I select a base point (sometimes using an osnap, sometimes just a random point) When prompted for the second point - I either use an osnap (It happens with them all but I most frequently use - Endp, Midp, Perp, Int) or use ortho drag and enter a distance manually - to select the "move to point". Instead of the command using the second point that I've selected as the final move point - it relocates the first "base point" to the location of my "move to" point. To finally get the command to move to the right location, I can then type "@0,0" and it will snap to the new "second base point" and finish the command. However, sometimes I even have to enter this 2-3 times before it works. This is REALLY frustrating and all of the designers in my fortune 500 company are experiencing this same glitch. I've been tasked with finding the solution. Typing @0,0 is a simple work around but not a solution. Sometimes I've picked the same location over and over again and after 5-10 attempts - it will finally accept the second move point and finish the command. Can't attach a dwg as it is confidential information but I can tell you it happens in small drawings and large drawings - but not all the time. Everything we draw is with dynamic blocks (except the simple line work) and don't know if that might be the issue??? We do NOT have the problem if we use dynamic move grips - just the move command. EVERY designer is having this issue - regarless if they are using a standard wheel mouse or a Logitech G700. We've expereinced this issue with 2012 and now with 2013 - both full versions and LT seats.
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In this video tutorial i will show you the trick about autocad

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